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Main » Photoshop Utilities
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Multilayered PSD | 3071x2043 | 300 dpi | 22 Mb

Category: Photoshop Utilities | Views: 925 | Added by: newsoft | Date: 2009-04-24 | Comments (0)


SimpletoUse EBook Cover Software to Create Beautiful 3D eCover Graphics.

CoverAction Pro™ lets you create highdefinition eBook covers in just minutes, when used with Adobe Photoshop®. With its unsurpassed eBook cover quality at 300 dpi, CoverAction Pro™the newest software from master designer Mark Monciardini—far exceeds the competition (if you can call it that!). Developed by graphic designers with over two decades of experience, this brand new software program makes it possible for publishers and graphic artists to show their eBook covers with confidence, whether online or as actual printout ... Read more »
Category: Photoshop Utilities | Views: 1060 | Added by: newsoft | Date: 2009-04-24 | Comments (0)

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